Introduction to the Nanozyme Database
The Nanozyme Database is a digital resource focused on experimental data in nanozyme-related publications. With collection and curation, researchers are enabled to explore nanozymes in an intuitive way. Over 1000 publications and thousands of materials are collected, involving their kinetic parameters, applications and references.
Project History
The development of a nanozyme data information system was started in 2019 by the team of Professor Hui Wei of Nanjing University. A vague concept of developing a nanozyme database emerged years ago. In 2018, when we were preparing a comprehensive review on nanozymes, a great deal of data were collected from literature, tabulated and presented in the supplementary file.(1) The tabulated data enabled us to further develop a data-informed strategy for hydrolytic nanozymes discovery.(2) The clear idea of constructing the Database was developed in 2019, initially evolved into a bachelor thesis authored by Chenxin Zhu,(3) and was later released in 2022 as the alpha version after more than 3 years of development.
  1. Jiangjiexing Wu, Xiaoyu Wang, Quan Wang, Zhangping Lou, Sirong Li, Yunyao Zhu, Li Qin, Hui Wei, Nanomaterials with enzyme-like characteristics (nanozymes): next-generation artificial enzymes (II), Chemical Society Reviews, 2019, 48, 1004-1079.
  2. Sirong Li, Zijun Zhou, Zuoxiu Tie, Bing Wang, Meng Ye, Lei Du, Ran Cui, Wei Liu, Cuihong Wan, Quanyi Liu, Sheng Zhao, Quan Wang, Yihong Zhang, Shuo Zhang, Huigang Zhang, Yan Du, Hui Wei, Data-informed discovery of hydrolytic nanozymes, Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 827.
  3. Chenxin Zhu, A Study on the Construction of Nanozyme Database: From a Data Standardization Perspective, Bachelor Thesis, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, 2020. (Download PDF)
Data were collected by Wei lab members (see the contributor list). We thank Professor Wenyang Bai and Xinchun Yue for their help. We thank Professor Xingfa Gao, Professor Lizeng Gao, and their groups for insightful comments.

Contributor list
To be updated.
Contact Us
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Name References Materials Kinetics Applications