ref | material | size | size err | size unit | size type | size comment | BET | b nanozyme | b 10n | b unit | specific act | sa 10n | sa unit | comment |
857 | Fe3O4@Au@cDNA@H-GN | 250 | 125 | nm | SEM | The particle size of the Fe3O4 MNPs ranges from 125 to 375 nm. It is obvious that Au NPs (~4 nm, Fig. 1C inset) attach and distribute densely on the surface of Fe3O4 NPs. |
ref | material | enzyme type | substrate | pH | T | km | km err | km 10n | km unit | vmax | vmax err | vmax 10n | vmax unit | kcat | kcat err | kcat 10n | kcat unit | kcat/km | kcat/km
10n | kcat/km unit | comment |
857 | Fe3O4@Au@cDNA@H-GN | POD | TMB + H2O2 | 857 |
ref | material | application | target | method | linear range | linear ran unit | LOD | lod unit | recovery | comment |
857 | Fe3O4@Au@cDNA@H-GN | colorimetric biosensing of nopaline synthase terminator | nopaline synthase terminator | Color | 0.5-100 | nM | 0.19 | nM |
ref | title | DOI | material type | comment |
857 | Colorimetric biosensing of nopaline synthase terminator using Fe3O4@ Au and hemin-functionalized reduced graphene oxide | | Composite | gold nanoparticles doped magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles (Fe3O4@Au NP), capture probe DNA (cDNA), and hemin-functionalized reduced graphene oxide nanosheets (H-GN)(Fe3O4@Au@cDNA@H-GN) |